Friday, March 07, 2008

Rocking The Widow's Peak

One of the first things you would probably notice about Scott is his hairline. As one of our friends commented on this blog, "He's really rocking the widow's peak." He was born with a good head of hair, but the front part fell out and then grew back in twice as thick.

...and twice as pointy.

The other day he woke up from a nap with a total rat's nest in his hair, so I decided to spike the rest of it up with some gel. Now he's really rocking the widow's peak.


Grandma Walters said...

I don't care what his hair looks like, I still think he is one adorable great-grandchild!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute duo !

Anonymous said...

His hairstyle is precious, but your blog posts are now so few and far between that by now he's probably sporting a shag!! LOL!!

D said...

Actually, I shaved it off two days later.

Tara said...

Too bad you shaved his head. I was diggin' the hair.