Thursday, September 08, 2011

Camping Out with Nasty Cookies

Last year I told Scott we could sleep in the back yard. We had the tent set up in the yard for a week, but we never slept in it. This year, I finally made good on my promise -- we did a complete "Father & Kids" camp at our house, since I wasn't available to go to the official Father & Kids camp by Ghost Lake.

Scott was super excited to help set up the tent and was giddy with excitement once it was up, checking out every tab and zipper. This particular tent is obviously intended for families that are driving to their campsites -- given the doggie door on one end and the power cord tab on the other end.

Since we have the facilities, it seemed appropriate that we should have a campfire, roast marshmallows and eat smores.

R S K by fire

I think we had traditional smores 3 or 4 different times on our big reunion trip, so I wasn't too anxious to go down that path again. Instead, I sandwiched the roasted marshmallow between two Voortman's Strawberry Turnovers, which are much softer and tastier than the standard graham cracker. I discovered this accidentally during a biking camp with the scouts in 2009.

K Marshmallow

In the end, the kids were just interested in eating the marshmallows, and they didn't really care if they were toasted, let alone in a smore. Katie is particularly big fan of marshmallows.

A week earlier, my childhood friend Big Brett asked me if I was going to the Ghost Lake camp, reminding me that eating Nasty Cookies (Oreos) is an essential part of any Fathers & Kids camp. (Truth be told, in our day it was called a "Fathers & Sons" camp, but I applaud the expansion of the program to provided all children with the opportunity to play with fire and eat Nasty Cookies).

With the onset of her eight o'clock bedtime, Katie and her mother retired to the comfort of their cribs/beds indoors, leaving only the Father & Son to bed down in the tent. In the spirit of roughing it, we watched cartoons on the laptop until we finally dropped off to sleep.

It was so much fun that we set up the tent again the next weekend and did it again -- although the second time we skipped the campfire and played Monopoly Junior in the fading evening light.

Perhaps next year we will take it to the next level and go to a campground. If we can find a power cable long enough, that is.

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