Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Problem With Clown Costumes

We planned to order Scott's Halloween costume off the web, but he just couldn't settle on a favourite costume. If fact, it seemed that showing him the costume website just made it worse, because he saw so many more wonderful costumes that he had never considered before. We thought that the main decision was between Good-Guy-Jedi and Ironman. Once things got going, the possibilities opened up to include about 10 different options. Out of nowhere he would say, "I think I want to be Batman." He's only seen Batman in the tail-end 30 seconds that the PVR catches in the buffer before recordings of one of his favourite shows (Hot Wheels Battle Force 5). His approach to costume choosing could be best described as "whatever character I have been reminded of most recently."

We finally started running out of time for the order and thought we should give up on getting a decision from Scott and just choose on his behalf. We suggested that we surprise him. This was his response as we left the office to head upstairs for bedtime:

"Yes, you should just surprise me. Don't pick anything that is white. I hate to have white on it. I love all the colours of the rainbow. If it has one of those colours, or all of them, then I will like it. A clown has one of the colours of the rainbow. But I wouldn't like it, because it might be too exciting."

Interesting path his logic takes. No wonder he has trouble making this kind of decision.

1 comment:

Grandma Walters said...

At least he opted for the SURPRISE!