Thursday, April 08, 2010

IKEA's Freezer is Secretly Gluten-Free

Since the prospect of playing in the ball pit at IKEA is what motivated Scott for potty training, we took him to the "big blue store" on Good Friday for his big debut. We expected it to be busy. We expected to have to wait. In that respect, we got what we expected.

Sadly, when we moved through the waiting throng to the counter, we saw a sign that said "The ball pit is closed until further notice." The rest of the play area was open, so we still went ahead and signed up for a time slot.

I asked the attendant what was going on with the balls. He said that somebody had peed in there earlier in the day.


Scott still enjoyed it, even without the balls, and R and I simply wandered around the store during his 45 minute shift.

We recently read on a Celiac blog that IKEA has a gluten-free dessert that is pretty good -- good enought that the blog author said she buys several to keep in her freezer. Since we were there anyway, we thought we should check it out.

With our 45 minutes of freedom, we taste-tested the "Almondy" cake in the cafeteria upstairs and found it to our liking. It's amazing, in fact. It is this almond-based tart with a creamy layer and a chocolate topping with Daim candy sprinkled on top.

We bought 4 of those and 2 of the Blabarskaka (blueberry).

So Scott didn't get his romp in the ball pit, but he got to climb on a hippo thing, eat another ice cream cone and enjoy Blabarskaka for dessert after dinner. Being diaper-free has its benefits.

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