Saturday, April 02, 2011

Springtime in Calgary

I love this place.

We got something like 20 cm of snow in one day -- wet, heavy snow that slowed the city down to a crawl. Fortunately, we could stay holed up inside for the day, nursing colds and watching conference. Scott and I did break outside for a few minutes after lunch to go sledding at the park down the street.

The next day was perfectly clear and sunny, so we took advantage of the snowy playground in our back yard: sledding, snow forts, shovels and slides. It was quite a production to get the four of us clad in our snow gear (Katie had made off with her boots and strewn them about the house), but it was so worth it to see the kids playing in the deep, sticky snow.

Katie is really funny to watch outside because she doesn't move her feet at all. Wherever you put her is where she stays. She learned to walk indoors during the winter and has never gotten comfortable with the uneven surfaces she encounters in the wild. I gave her a little shovel and stood her next to a pile of snow and expected that it would keep her occupied for a few minutes while I played with Scott. Moments later I had to pick her up to move her within arm's reach of the snow, because she just stood there, stretching out her arm and making a pleading noise from the back of her throat.

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