Sunday, June 13, 2010

Squirting Fire

Among Scott's bath toys is a small water pistol left over from last year's summer vacation. This week he was telling me about its unfortunate demise.

"Dad, my squirt gun got broken, and we threw it in the garbage."

"That's too bad, Scott. Maybe we should get you a new one."

His eyes lit up. "I want a red one ...
... That squirts FIRE."


Lisa and Doug said...

I've said it before and I'll say it need to write a book!

Grandma Wride said...

Spoken like a real boy. There seems to be such an attraction between little boys and fire. I remember having the fire department come and talk to Joel (at our house) about appropriate use of fire when he was about 5 or 6. Left quite an impression on him.

Grandma Walters said...

I like "fire" in Scotty's eyes, but no where else, okay???