Sunday, June 05, 2011

Springtime First-Time Pigtails

Neither of our children have particularly thick hair, and Katie's is probably even thinner than Scott's. Aside from one little trim, she's never had a haircut and it still took her 16 months to grow enough hair for her first pigtails.

With a skirt and little pigtails, see is seeming less and less a baby and more a little girl.

She is very happy to play on her own, just wandering around and examining everything. With the gradual arrival of spring, she has so much more world to inspect.

The day after my big CFA exam, the family enjoyed a few minutes of sun in the back yard before heading over to Grandma and Grandpa M's house. As usual, we had to make a few runs down the slope in the wagon.

Katie loved the first run and asked for more, but she was pretty quick to abandon ship after the second one. I would love to know what is going inside that mind of hers.


Grandma Walters said...

YEAHfor daddies.

Jessica said...

That slope would be perfect for a slip and slide!