Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hey, Free Dummy

If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.

That was always one of my favourite "Deep Thoughts - By Jack Handey", a recurring segment of Saturday Night Live several years ago. I remember coming up with my own list of similarly-styled thoughts when I was in high school.

This particular Deep Thought crossed my mind because I've been coming up with all kinds of free stuff the last two days. I had considered buying a barbeque yesterday because they were on sale, but I decided to hold back since I'm still in school and we can't spend the money. Then, on the way over to R's parents' place yesterday afternoon, we drove by a barbeque (albeit an old one) that was sitting by the side of the road with a sign that said, "Free- Still Works". It was only half a block from our house, so I grabbed it and wheeled it back home. It has a tank of propane and everything. It's just a little old and dirty.

This morning, we were on our way to church and we noticed the neighbours four houses down had left two bikes out front with a "Free" sign. They weren't race-ready for the Tour de France or anything, but one of them looked to be a decent replacement for R's bike (the other looked like it came across on the Mayflower). I grabbed that one and hustled it home.

...Because, hey, free dummy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great shopping !
(Didn't know they had cycling on the Mayflower--great historical point.)
Also love the picture of Scotty in R's shoes.