Monday, November 23, 2015

Katie Calling Back

Today Katie called me and said that she would like to go swimming on Friday or on Saturday. That was her first sentence. She didn't say "hello." She said that she would like to go to the other pool, not the Cardel Pool where she has her lessons. She would like to go to the pool in Cochrane. She was pretty close in how she pronounced Cochrane, but I could tell by the way she hesitated before saying "Cochrane" that she wasn't quite sure. She said that she would like to go there and swim without a life jacket, so that she could show me how much she has learned at swimming lessons. She said that I haven't seen her swim in a long time and she would like to go swimming there with me. I told her these all sounded like great ideas, and that we should definitely go. She was very pleased. she said good-bye and I told her to have a good day at school.

During the call I wondered if Mommy was aware of her plans or not. By the end of the call I was pretty certain that she was not. Katie makes her own plans, apparently.

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