Monday, February 19, 2007

Tiny Hiccups

This third trimester is tough business. R is finding herself completely exhausted at the end of each day. It doesn't help that she's been so busy that she hardly has time to rest. She's also noticed a lot more tightness and soreness in her back. It's a shame, because it's been so good up until this point. I guess we were just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Perhaps part of the problem can be explained by this week's entry for the BabyCenter pregnancy calendar, which says that the baby's nutritional needs reach their peak in this trimester, when babies put on a significant amount of weight.

According to the calendar, our baby is about 2.5 pounds and about 15 inches long. They also say "his head is growing bigger to accommodate his brain". Hopefully, that brain won't make the head TOO big. The lungs are also developing, and we've seen evidence of that. In the last few days R has felt faint hiccups coming from her tummy. With my hand, I have also been able to feel the rhythmic shudder of the tiny child. It's pretty cute.

I wonder, which traditional hiccup solutions work in the womb? He can't hold his breath much more than he already is, since there's no air in there. He could try taking a really long drink, but I think that was the problem in the first place. I tried scaring him ("Boo!"), but I don't think it worked.

I have a another sure-fire technique for hiccups, but it takes concentration. You get ready to snap your fingers, and try to snap them as soon as you feel the next hiccup coming. If you really concentrate, after a minute or two you will find that the hiccup never comes. However, if you let you mind drift to your latest game of online Axis & Allies or what your next blog post should be about, you will find this method doesn't work.

That's the problem here. I blame the baby's lack of concentration.


Anonymous said...

I certainly remember the hiccups in my pregnancies. Just think, it gives the baby something to do. There are just not that many choices of activities for the little fellow other than gymnastics.

Linz said...

Little v had the hiccups almost daily once I got to the point that R is at. She had them a ton as a newborn too and I always felt bad! Now a laughing fit always ends up with hiccups! When I was a kid I learned a technique on Sesame Street that has never failed me: Drink water through a straw while plugging your ears. It's amazing!!!