Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ooohhhh, ouuuggghhh, ooohhhhh

It is comforting to read that our little man is keeping up with the development information provided by the experts this week. Of course, I secretly wish that he will completely surpass all milestones and measurements for his age -- mainly so that I can brag to strangers without any warning. Then I can blurt out things like, "Oh, my baby is almost as big as yours, but mine's only half his age! Ha-ha! I win!" (That is almost a direct quote from an encounter I had this week -- minus the victory celebrations.)

As predicted by the baby gurus, what we've noticed the most the last week or two is the increased level of awareness and interaction. Scott smiles when he sees us and he has started to coo back to us quite a lot. He is particularly social in the morning. If you come into his room just after he has awoken, he will chat with you for nearly an hour.

My baby coos better than yours. Ha-ha. I win.

(Actually this cooing video isn't Scott's best work. The camera always comes out late, after the good stuff has already gone by.)


Kage said...

I think that last "coo" was a burp. He is so cute...I love babies.

Anonymous said...

He is just gorgeous.I love that dimple in his cheek.I hope this blog continues after you move.I wish you all the best.Enjoy your little one,they grow too fast!!!

Sherry Woodard

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's hungry!

JwRiDe said...

re: your encounter, amazing what people will say. I read in an etiquette book where the proper response is "that might be true but you still stink." Ill look up the reference.

Anonymous said...

So, I'd like to know how you stand living with that much cuteness on a daily basis. It just doesn't let up!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what your 3rd picture is of on the bottom of the cooing baby on youtube. . . . where it says related to: 3rd picture says Masons, satanism, reptiles, etc. . . . What don't I understand?

That was an official Coo. Helen

Linz said...

Adorable. I'm sure you are thoroughly enjoying your conversations with him!

D said...

I don't pick those other items. YouTube uses the keywords in my video to create a list of other videos that are *possibly* related.

In this case, their algorithm seems to be way off.

ReeSe said...

He is just all around cuteness! Let me know if you ever use jwrides response. Classic!

Anonymous said...

I distinctly heard him say "moon", but in the affected way that I say it during a lull in the Settlers action at lunch. Clearly he has a knack for mimicry.