Monday, November 13, 2006

Pink Softball Cocktail

Can you think of a fruit that is 4 inches across? If so, you need to send an email to and to Neither of them had any comparisons for us this week. Luckily, YPWBW* came through for us, suggesting that the baby is about the size of a softball. I found this website that lets you print baby pictures onto softballs, perhaps for people who can't wait to coach little league. You probably wouldn't use those softballs for batting practice.

We have a softball sitting in our shed that we received a few years ago. In the middle of the night, we heard a crash, but we couldn't figure out what it was, so we went back to sleep. In the morning, we realized that someone had thrown a softball into our bedroom window. Luckily, the screen was in place, so the ball and the glass fell into the yard, instead of the bedroom.

I think a grapefruit is pretty close to the same size as a softball. In fact, I just looked it up in wikipedia and it says that it's 10-15 mm, which is 4-4.5 inches. Perhaps babycenter skipped the grapefruit because they don't really like it -- maybe it's too sour for their tastes. I don't really like it either, but R loves it. Watching her squeeze out the juice and slurp it up with a spoon gives me the shivers. Did you know that grapefruit was grown mainly as an ornamental fruit until the 19th century? That was probably for a good reason. The only real way to have grapefruit is in Noname Brand Pink Grapefruit Cocktail (which probably doesn't have any grapefruit juice in it at all).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Random, yet still brilliant.