Thursday, June 07, 2007

My Baby Loves Ringtones

We try to make sure that there are at least 2.5 hours between baby Scott's feedings. Preferably, we'd like him to go 3 hours. We had seen very few 3 hour stints throughout the day, so tonight we were trying to get him to hold out a little longer. Unfortunately, he lost his patience and started a pretty steady stream of screaming. I tried some of the regular methods of settling him, but nothing was working.

In the midst of his tantrum, we suddenly heard a man's voice from the kitchen. It was the answering machine message. Apparently, both phones were hidden upstairs (from naptime) so we couldn't hear the ringing over the screaming. On my way back from retrieving one of the phones, I decided to try soothing Scott with the ringtones. There are 10 ring patterns you can choose, and every time you switch, the phone plays that ring. I scrolled through them all, and by the time I got to #8, Scott was already starting to calm down. For the next 10 minutes I let him hear #8 and #9 over and over again, because he and I seemed to prefer them over the rest.

It's not Mozart, but these ringtones have a pretty steady rhythm.


Anonymous said...

Well, here I am! With perhaps my second child I was trying to tell the DR she would not go the FOUR HOURS BETWEEN FEEDINGS that we had heard was "normal". His reply with a bit of rebuke was, "What kind of a clock do you have that tells you when your baby is hungry?" And then, even in those "olden days" they were convincing moms that the more you nurse the more your milk comes in, but maybe Rachelle has already reached her peak???

Now, to the phone "rings". Well, I got my first job out of high school at the telephone company (not at the same time Grandpa worked there) over all my girl friends who went with me (that's right) to all apply for the same job! The Chief operator who called and gave me the job said she had heard my very pleasant voice over our party-line-phone over the years and I was hired for that! So, if Scott gets cranky again, put him on the phone and I'll give him my best, "Number, please!"

D said...

We do have such a clock. I wear it around my neck like a 1990s rapper.

Actually, we had learned from our books that a baby does well with about 7-8 feeds / day, which is roughly every 3 hours. If he starts crying 90 minutes after a feed, he may truly want milk, but he won't be able to do a "complete" feeding, and then he might settle into a "snacking routine" of feeding much more freqently. So, we have tried to soothe him until at least 2.5 hours have passed. He responds to this quite well, and has settled into a fairly predictible feeding routine -- which is even evident in the night. After he his first long sleep of 4-6 hours, he wakes up every 3 hours almost like clockwork.

If he is madly hungry, we'll feed him, but that is almost ALWAYS by the 2.5 hour mark.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a 6 week growth spurt to me. baby may want to nurse every half hour for awhile to build up the milk supply to meet matching growth needs! books should tell you when to expect those spurts and if you get right back into the 2.5 hr routine after the "milk buildup", you shouldn't have to worry about developing a snacking routine. he's just being instinctual to meet his needs! We probably did a lot of crying trying to wait those 4 hours, huh mom! I feel for you having had to try to wait through the cries. I heard once you had to leave the house and walk around the block cause the crying was tearing at your heart. Maybe that's why I couldn't let mine cry at all!