Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Two Months Of Smiles

The big news this week is that we're no longer just counting in weeks. The article for today is actually called "Month 2, Week 1". My how the time flies.

By now, a baby is expected to smile and differentiate voices and noises. We've certainly noticed that. I've figured out recently that Scott will smile if you rub his cheeks lightly with your fingers. This works as long as he's not hungry -- otherwise, it makes him cry. So far he hasn't started laughing, but he has started cooing a lot more. It's impossibly cute.

At times, when there is crying instead of smiles, it can be kind of tough. Scott has had fussy days yesterday and today, and it can make it next to impossible to get anything done.

Hitting the 8-week (aka 2-month) mark means I'm coming to the end of my parental leave from work. I had originally planned on taking 8 weeks, but the early delivery meant that I took a few extra days. It's funny, before the birth, I thought that parental leave was going to be like summer vacation, with all kinds of time for fun projects. Now I know better. I have learned something in these 8 weeks as well.


Anonymous said...

That's an impossibly cute picture!

Anonymous said...

He is just too cute for words!!!I love to check every day to see pics of him....Sherry

Anonymous said...

His smile is so cute, and you'll soon get your laughs! I have been wondering when your PLAY time will run out and you get back to work! Just imagine how us who lived in the dark ages managed to tend our babies, happy or cranky, without a hubby around! Oh, I see this word verification is the same I had to try three times on another one, wish me luck!

D said...

Actually, I've already started back at work, but that isn't as interesting as baby smiles.