Monday, September 25, 2006


I saw this picture on a blog kept by one of my college roommates and his wife. She took it during a recent trip to Xining, China.

I love this kind of old-school practicality / adaptability. I remember going to the store with my brother one time to buy diapers for his baby. They were crazy expensive. Not only is the Xining Approach economical, but it's also good for the environment:
Try to imagine how many diapers a country of 1.3 billion would need, and how much landfill space that would require. That's something like 20 million babies.

SIZE UPDATE: In an earlier post, I noted the problematic nature of comparing the baby's Week 8 size to a grape. According to bean-loving, the fetus is the size of a kidney bean. I find this to be much more instructive. Thank you, babycenter.


Anonymous said...

So if the land fills aren’t storing all the baby waste from the Chinese, does that mean that the streets now are? Have they not progressed pasted the dark ages where animals and people alike just considered the street an open sewer? Does it also mean that if you were to walk behind a lady carrying her child like in the picture the child may just drop a load as they casually strolled along? Interesting, not really sure which of the two waste management systems would be best for that many people.

Anonymous said...

Somebody told me once that a major problem for community highway clean-up efforts is the large number of urine-filled plastic bottles thrown to the side of the highway by schedule-conscious truckers. People don't want to touch them, and hence participation is way down.

I'm not really sure how this relates to the topic, but I think it's safe to say that if you don't get your baby some diapers, he/she is going to grow up to be a trucker.

Lacey said...

The children are trained to go at certain sounds their parents they won't just drop a load on you unless that parent is being irresponsible and not letting there child go to the bathroom. They condition them. It's all psychological.

Anonymous said...

We saw this in China, also! It is for real, but we hated to see mothers letting their kids do "their thing" in Tateman (sp) Square. We checked in the store and some of the tour group bought some of the pants!

Anonymous said...

I spoke with a Chinese co-worker while over here in China. He says they designed them like that primarily for cost reasons. Diapers and laundering poopy cloth diapers is too expensive. Typically (nowadays) people don't take the kids out in public without something on to cover them, but when they are inside the house (with hard floors as typical in China), the kid can go anywhere and it will clean up easy. Very practical. Kids will wear them in the house at the age of 3-4 (while still potty-training).