Thursday, September 21, 2006

Heart Beat

Today was the big day - the ultrasound appointment.

I was surprised how quick it was. The technician put the sensor down on R's stomach and almost instantly a grainy image appeared on the monitor of a tiny fetus within the womb (strangely, it looked nothing like a paperclip). It was an amazing feeling -- relief and joy. Although we had been fairly confident for the last few week, until today there was still the possibility that the baby had not begun to grow, or something wasn't quite right. You're not sure until you see the heartbeat, which is one of the main indicators of good health and development.

Once it was pointed out me, I could clearly see the tiny heart moving and pixellating on the screen. That was great news. Then the technician measured the heart rate and told us that it was 128 beats per minute -- well within the desired range. Then the baby must have realized we were watching and decided to show off, pushing the heartrate up to 150 beats per minute.

The baby measured 1.17 cm -- less than an inch. According to the charts, that corresponds to 5.4 weeks of gestation, or 7.4 weeks in the entire process. That is exactly what we would have guessed. Our doctor confirmed the due date as May 7th, which was the date predicted by the online calculator. Everything is looking great.

The near future will be filled with visits to various doctors as R is subjected to various tests to track her health and progress. Usually, such tests would fill her with dread, but today was fantastic.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited and relieved! I knew the ultrasound was this week, and I've been checking your blog every few hours to see what you found out. How exciting to see the little raspberry paperclip's heart beating so strongly! What sorts of tests are they planning to do?

D said...

The tests are going to be pretty standard "girly" tests just to be sure that R is healthy and coping well with the pregnancy. They referred us to a specialist, who will take care of most of these tests. There will also be some blood tests, etc.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the little one ! Isn't just amazing to see that heart just a-pumping ! It is all such a wonderful miracle.

Anonymous said...

I was out of town on Thursday and couldn't get to a computer until just now. What exciting and wonderful news. Knowing that there are two heart beats going on in your body is an interesting thought. Sheri described the next feelings Rachelle will get quite accurately. It's fun! You said you would get specialists to run the tests. Will they also provide you with a doctor to follow you through the delivery and pregnancy or do you have to find out?
