Friday, September 22, 2006

Spreading the Word

We've spent much of the day putting out the word to friends and relatives, and it's been great to hear back from so many people. We didn't exactly wait the customary 3 months, but we can hardly contain ourselves. There are still 30+ weeks to go, and I don't know how much more excited we can get. Thanks for your comments or for just coming to visit the site. I've been checking the stats for the website and I've seen the tracks left as several people have come and gone.

We're going to a career planning workshop at the church tomorrow and they gave us 25 pages of prep work that we're supposed to fill out before we go. We've been working on it all evening and now I'm kind of tired of writing "power statements" to demonstrate my manifold abilities and successes. Check this one out:

I understand how to motivate people and assemble them for action. As a volunteer youth leader, I gathered a group of 55 inexperienced teenagers and organized them into a youth choir that sang for 22 hours straight and broke a world record.

In case you were wondering, the baby still has a bit of a tail this week, but that is slowing morphing into a backbone. The elbow joints are appearing and even the eyelids are beginning to form. That is hard to imagine when you think that this baby is still less than an inch long.

Next week the baby will be the size of a grape. In my time, I have seen grapes of many different sizes, so I find this comparison problematic. I guess I should just picture a standard-sized grape. You should too.


Anonymous said...

Greg and I just looked at the site. I showed Greg how to make comments (I'm the teacher now) but he gave the job back to me. Greg did confess that he's been pretty excited about the whole news. He's found it's fun to tell people you're a grandpa. One more job for Derek to start thinking about. . . .baby names. Helen

Anonymous said...

I'd say that is a "power understatement."

I'm glad the news is out in the open! It's just too exciting to keep it a secret!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the baby's appendages, does it have large talons?

Kage said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I love the name of your blog. I can already tell you are going to be a doting daddy. You can continue the blog once you are a Dad and give all sorts of Dad advice. Do you have plans to find out the gender of your sesame seed?