Friday, September 29, 2006

Extra Value Diet

Pregnant women are known to have cravings. Some cravings can be quite specific. A mother-to-be might wake up in the middle of the night with a strange hankering for a piece of celery dipped in raspberry jam. That's to be expected.

Instead of these specific cravings, R just craves food. She came home late from work today (a bit after 6pm) with this manic look on her face. She hadn't eaten since lunchtime, and she needed something now. We started to rummage in the cupboards, but her need was too great, and the pickings too slim. In desperation, I tried to think of a quick solution. We'd already had Quizno's yesterday, so sandwiches were out (remember the buffers!). "What about Wendy's?"

Within seconds, we were out the door.

On our way there, R told me that greasy foods are generally not the sort of thing a pregnant woman should be eating. She must have read more of the book than I have. Of course, it makes sense that a pregnant woman shouldn't eat bacon-double-cheeseburgers, but, in reality, nobody should. She compromised by getting a burger and a salad. Once she had a bit of leafy and a jr-bacon-cheeseburger inside her, she was able to relax. Those jr bacon's always do the trick for me. In fact, I order them two at a time.

Has anyone else noticed that they've jacked up the price on the jr bacon? It used to be a screaming deal for only $1.39 (and only 99 cents at US restaurants). Now it's all the way up to $1.59! What's going on? The rest of the extra value menu is still holding steady at $1.39, why has the JrBaconCheese appreciated so dramatically?

The other thing -- what happened to the Biggie Fries and the Great Biggie? They're gone too! Now it's just Regular and Large. Is this happening in the States too, or just in Canada? What the heck is a pregnant couple supposed to do when major cravings set in?

I suppose they're supposed to eat something healthy.


Kage said...

I completely disagree with the statement that says nobody should eat bacon double cheeseburgers. I think God gave us these wonderful creations so that we could feel joy. Imagine... life without cheeseburgers... Insane!

Kage said...

I guess I should note a completely crazy coincidence. Kage happens to be my web "handle." I've noticed over a while that there is another "Kage" who happens to be D's cousin. This is the WolfMan.

Also... I guess I should announce my excitement for D and R. Congrats my friends... and good luck!

Anonymous said...

My craving with my first (Maxine) was celery with SALT on. We were tucked in bed one night and Grandpa had to get out of bed, dress and run to the store for the celery. By then the crave had passed!