Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Here is the big news: not only is the baby the size of a raspberry, it happens to weigh the same as a paperclip. This makes me wonder - does a paperclip weigh less than a raspberry? This like comparing apples and oranges... except worse, because we're comparing aggregate fruit to office supplies. How many raspberries does it take to make a paperclip or vice-versa? Who made paperclips a standard of measurement? What happened to the gram? What's so great about paperclips, anyway?

It's nice to see some comments coming through from some of our fans. Unfortunately, I think many of our fans are new to the world of blogging and don't realize a few important things:
1) blogs are reocurring posts that need to be checked again and again
2) you don't get a notice about new posts unless you subscribe to an RSS feed (like Google Reader or FeedBurner)
3) you can (and should) leave comments
4) babies like to bounce around like jumping beans

We've started reading the chapter called "Fathers Are Expectant, Too" in our book. It helpfully outlines some of the concerns that fathers-to-be (ie me) might have during pregnancy:

So much attention has been focused on my wife since she became pregnant that I hardly feel I have anything to do with the pregnancy -- beyond taking part in conception.

I really don't feel that left out or jealous or whatever. Sure, I've concocted this plan to take photos of my stomach every week and scrapbook them together, but that's just because I think it will be beautiful piece of art. Maybe I don't feel left out because I have this blog and it makes me feel important.

Here's a tip from the book to help expectant fathers feel involved: "Act Pregnant". The book provides more details about how to act pregnant, but I'll leave it your imagination.


Anonymous said...

I didn't have feelings of jealousy or neglect either. I remember Jen asking me if I was at all and that some fathers felt that. I thought it a little sill to be jealous of a pregnant woman, then again maybe it was because I was glad I wasn’t gaining sympathy weight. Most likely it was because I glowed with pride when Jen got all the attention about being pregnant, because I could sit back and think to myself "Yep, I did that”.

Anonymous said...

I have tried to respond to your blog today, but am having a bit of trouble with it for some reason. It keeps wanting me to tell them the letters in the little box, but the letters are missing from the little box. I will try again later. In the meantime...

I love the mental image of the raspberry/paper clip. I do see the problem with mixing your fruits and your office supplies. I saw a bib today that had "sweetpea" written on it--do flowers figure in the mix anywhere.

As for the lack of pan washing--I think the male "pan-washing gene" is not dominant in the ole genetic makeup. Most times over the years, when a male has been involved with doing the dishes around here, there was always at least one or more pans left when the job was declared complete. I was grateful for what had been done, but could not quite figure out the leftover pan problem. But we love you all anyway.

As for a succession of belly pictures....mmmm....maybe not.

Love the blog,