Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Not Sick, Just Tired

Week six is supposed to be the beginning of serious morning sickness; however, R hasn't been complaining of major nausea -- instead, she's felt abnormally tired. She came out to my football game tonight (which we lost) and when we got home she just collapsed on the couch.

R's mom sent her a book called "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and it arrived in the mail today. Stranded on the couch, she decided to dive into the book. There was a neat diagram of the baby's current shape and development. Pretty lumpy, but the heart's already beating and the organs are beginning to form.

Apparently, our little sesame seed started the week the size of a lentil bean and will threaten to overtake a chickpea by Sunday. I got that little tidbit from www.babycenter.com. If you put in the date of conception (the accuracy of which was discussed at length yesterday), the site spits out a day-by-day calendar for every week of pregnancy. Today's tip was about the lentil/chickpea. Monday's was about cravings.

R hasn't had any specific cravings yet, she says. Instead, she eats to avoid nausea. If she starts to feel ill during the day, she has a snack and that usually helps. I eat snacks all the time, but it's usually because I'm hungry... or bored... or maybe both.

We got DSL hooked up today, so it's a bit of a treat to be on here blogging. I only had to wait on hold for 90 minutes for the technical service rep to come on and assign me a username and password. Now you can all call us on the phone while we're blogging... or at least while I'm blogging. I'm not sure when we'll get R to make a post.

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