Monday, March 12, 2007

Taking Out The Trash

Time rolls on. With 32 weeks behind us, there are only 56 days left until Week 40. R is totally freaking out. She's worried that she isn't prepared. She's worried that I'm not prepared. She's worried.

According to the folks at, the baby should be almost 4 pounds and almost 17 inches long. R is worried that the baby is more like 50 pounds and 50 inches. These worries may account for her shortness of breath.

The more likely reason behind the shortness of breath is the expanding baby in her tummy.

BabyCenter has some other preparation tips. I think these two are my favourites:
• If anyone offers to help during the newborn weeks, write down their name and number.
• Ask a neighbor to take out your garbage.

If anyone would like to offer to take out our garbage, please feel free to leave your name and number in the comments section below. I always forget to take it out, so you could probably start right away.


Anonymous said...

I'll take it out. Just bring it with you your next trip out west and I'll take care of it from there.

It's odd that they would think that you'd be willing to accept help from people so unknown to you that you'd need them to write down their names and phone numbers. Perhaps I've been remiss in not offering random pregnant women my help in caring for their newborns.

Anonymous said...

Trash? Yeah, I got it handled, no worries - O.T Grouch aka Estonian Menace

Anonymous said...

Hope that when Rachelle gets here that Jenny can give her lots of tips to be prepared. Most important is to take enough time before the baby's born to think through what you want to do and need. When you see the room all set up and everything there, then you do feel much better prepared and the worry goes a little.

Anonymous said...

Just leave the trash. You can take Helen's out this coming week and she will take yours out when she comes to help with the baby. Do you have room to store it???