Thursday, March 29, 2007

Good News & Bad News

First the Bad News:

R has come down with a cold. When she gets a cold, it usually goes to her sinuses. In this case, the typical sinus infection has also affected her eyes. It's kind of like pinkeye, but not so dramatic. A little sore, a little runny, a little inconvenient. The pharmacist gave her some polysporin drops that she's allowed to take. That seems to have helped, but the cold has really done a number on her voice.

Now the Good News:

R can put a bowl of popcorn on her stomach. She discovered this convenient trick the other night when we were watching a movie. We duplicated it again tonight for the camera. Isn't pregnancy fun?


Anonymous said...

Nothing like putting your son to work early, Rachelle! We are so sorry for the cold bit. Never fun, and hope you get over it in your allotted time before John Henry arrives!

Aaron said...

The belly shelf definitely has it's pro's and con's. I found it incredibly hard to eat at a table without spilling the entire fork full of food before it got to my mouth. It's a long way from the plate to your mouth when you have a big ol prego belly in the way. Resting the dinner plate on the belly shelf made things a lot neater and much less hungry by the end of the meal. Watch out when the babe kicks.. could loose the plate.

Linz said...

Hopefully with R being sick now she'll be getting it overwith and be as healthy as can be for labor.