Monday, October 09, 2006

Bye - Bye 'Bryo

10 says, "Your baby is no longer an embryo!" The first nine weeks have brought the baby to the point where rapid growth begins -- and official status as a fetus. You might assume that the baby has grown to considerable size, given its recent promotion. You might be wrong... but I'm not sure. Babycenter says that the baby is "barely the size of a kumquat." Hmmmm. I've heard that word before, but I can't say that it means a lot to me. I'd better check in with wikipedia:

Apparently, the kumquat fruit resembles a miniature oval orange, about 4 cm long and 3 cm wide. It's from China, but it's been imported to several parts of the world.

Our new book, YPWBW*, says the baby is about 1.4 inches (36mm) long from "crown-to-rump". It is approximately 5g and is the size of a small plum. I know what a plum is.

Obviously, there's no expert consensus on the issue of fruit; however, we can be certain that the baby has outgrown comparisons to different types of nuts. Yes, gone are the days of the nut & embryo. We are now in the realm of fetal development & fruit measurement. These are exciting times.

*Your Pregnancy Week By Week

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And here I didn't think there'd be anything until today because you were traveling. I had to catch up on a few blogs. Ask Jenny what sore muscles are when the baby's foot sneaks up between your ribs or the head pushes on your hips. That's when you're ALMOST ready to say, "I'm ready to have this baby out." I know there are some maternity exercise/relaxation tapes. (think LIBRARY) Maybe something like that might help with the sore muscles. Also, continue to enjoy thinking of names. We were no help to Jenny and Luke last night on names and it's 4 weeks away. Knowing how hard it's been to come up with a name, I know I'll love whatever one they come up with. Helen