Wednesday, October 11, 2006

People You Miss

I'm away from home and I miss my wife.

I generally haven't had to travel much since we've been married, but it hasn't been overly traumatic the few times that she or I have gone away. It hurts a little more now that she's pregnant. It's like my friend S said the other day, there's something extra special about your wife when she's pregnant. I agree. There's something wonderful.

Our relationship changed the day we found out about the pregnancy. First, there's this incredible sense of relief -- the uncertainty is over. It's also the dizzying thrill of the unknown future. Something big is coming, and you know it's going to be tough, but you can't help but be completely wrapped up in the excitement. The mixture of relief and excited anticipation washes over both of you and binds you together even closer. The waiting can push you apart a little bit, so it's wonderful to have the pendulum swing back again.

It's kind of funny that I would be so excited about it all. Generally, I don't get that excited about lookin after little kids. I think it's because they don't have the ability to engage in harmless banter. That is my favourite pastime. They can be silly, and I like that, but it requires a lot of energy. With banter, you can just sit about.

My oldest brother was just out to visit us, and he told us how he missed his kids even before he left to get on the plane. He recounted weepy moments at airports when he first had to travel on business. He and his kids would cry. I think that is interesting, because I think my brother was equally ambivalent about little kids when he was younger. He's not the type that would have been totally into hanging out with little kids, but now he loves them.

I don't think I was the type either. I've hardly spent any time with kids. But now that there's going to be a little tyke in my house, I just can't wait.

I miss my wife because I'm gone. And I miss my baby before it's even born.


Anonymous said...

that's really sweet that you miss eachother! soo cute!
you are both going to make excellent parents! i hope you have a little girl! Little girls are soo fun to dress up and they drag their daddies around everywhere it's adorable! But a little boy would be crazy cute too! but their just soo "boyish" all about trucks and running over things with their trucks and grr and know typical boy sounds! They are cute though! Anyway boy or girl with R and D genes this baby is going to be SUPER adorable!!

Anonymous said...

I have gotten very far behind in reading "Our Sesame Seed" because I was taking care of J and J's children while they were traveling in New York, New England and with you. Had a great time with the kids--best way to get to know grandkids is to stay with them (without parents around) for a week or so.

It is sweet to hear how much you both miss each other. NICE !

How wonderful to know that you have graduated from the nut category into the fruit category.

The development of a baby is still just amazing to me !

Kage said...


Anonymous said...

You made me cry.