Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Countdown: 200 Days

There are now only 200 days until the due date -- May 7, 2006. We're almost a third of the way through the pregnancy. By this time next year, the baby will be more than 5 months old. When October 2007 rolls around, I wonder if I'll look back on this time and laugh at how completely clueless I was about babies and parenthood. I wonder if I'll look at my pre-baby self with a bit of jealousy or resentment, since I won't have as much time for myself. Hopefully, I will pull myself aside occasionally and say, "enjoy the time you have while you have it. You'll never get these years back again."

Two hundred days. It seems like such a long time...


Anonymous said...

Given your interest in all things baby, thought this might be vaguely interesting to you:

Anonymous said...

Just be sure that you let this set of grandparents see that BABY before "it" is walking!!