Friday, October 27, 2006

First Reality Check

(This wasn't written on Friday, but it happened on Friday.)

Friday we had our first reality check. For the first time, we had to take babysitting into consideration when scheduling. Not since the ultrasound has it seemed this real.

In the morning, R went to her dentist appointment. It was completely rad-free, because they opted not to do an x-ray. Afterwards, she went to make her next appointment. Six months from now would be the end of April -- about a week or two before the due date. Instead, the appointment was set for August, three months post-birth. The hygenist (who was reportedly VERY enthusiastic about the prospect of anyone having a baby) suggested that R should bring the baby in to her appointment, since some moms are reluctant to part with their newborns so early on.

At this point, R's mind started reeling.

Later on, she called me to suggest that maybe I would want to have my appointment on the same day "so that we could take turns watching the baby."

That totally freaked me out.

So that was Friday. The first of many such instances, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

My friends and I in the ward and neighborhood watch each others' kids in situations like this. We have a network of swapping going on, and it works out quite nicely.

D said...

Hmmm... friends in our ward or neighbourhood, eh?

We can't think of anybody nearby with kids who would swap babysitting. There is a lady in our complex who we often see walking her cat.

Maybe we should work something out with her?