Thursday, May 31, 2007

Another Round of Banners

Creating Banners is just too much fun. Here's another batch of banners to add to my collection. We took about 350 pictures in May, and these were the best banner candidates (in my opinion). I tried to get the proud parents into a few of these, just so I don't overdo it on the baby pictures and scare Tara away.


Eric said...

Man... all this banner talk lately. You've guilted me into adding one on mine now. ;)

D said...

ooh, very nice. Of course, you were the one who first put up the ads, so really we're all just copying you.

Anonymous said...

I like #8 the best (mom and baby). I can't get over how amazing babies are... and how strange it is that such a small thing can grow into a gangly adult human being.

Linz said...

The one you have up top right now is awesome. Well, they all are. But I love the scenery and everything.

Anonymous said...

Okay, they are all great, but here are my votes:
# 1, a great three-some
# 4, my favorite
# 6, my next favorite
# 8, loved Scott showing Rachelle how to lead music! Classic!
# 9, the clearest picture of the fantastic mom so far!!!

Have a great day, I know it is past my bedtime, I'll see if I have any more to go, we were gone for several days!