Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tulips Part Two

We moved to Ottawa in the month of May, back in 2002. One of the first things we ever did was go to the Tulip Festival down at Dow's Lake. We really had no idea what it was, but we figured we couldn't stay in our apartment every day doing puzzles and listening to Vinyl Cafe. I remember how we were both surprised at how little English we heard during that first outing. We didn't even hear that much French. It was clearly a big tourist event, with a lot of picture-taking going on.

Today we went back to Dow's Lake for our own round of picture-taking. When we went a few weeks ago, when R's mom was here, it was too early for most of the tulips to be blooming. This time we waited too long to go back, and most of the beds had already begun to die -- including President Kennedy. Considerable controversy still surrounds the sudden demise of that particular flower bed.

Fortunately, there were a few beds of late bloomers still around for us to take some pictures. A few years ago, we got some great pictures out in the middle of one of the tulip beds. We tried to create this magical moment today when R went out into this bed of pink tulips. I would like to point out that she is wearing a pink shirt. This is a rare, rare event. The shirt is one of several that she borrowed from her sister's maternity storehouse.

The main purpose of our return to Dow's Lake was to get a shot of Scott among the tulips. We had to wake him up for the pictures, and it was pretty bright outside, be he was a good sport. Perhaps he was too dazzled to fuss.

He is such a cutie.


Grandma Walters said...

Have to agree, he is a cutie!!! But...I'm reading a story to Colleen's students tomorrow entitled "I'm not cute!!" So, when Scott growns up and you STILL say he's cute, you better be careful!! Loved the tulips. Our trip to Holland many years ago was timed to the full-bloom-gardens (acres!!!) of tulips, soooooo beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Vinyl Cafe is the best!

Anonymous said...

The cuteness factor here is extremely high. It is a trick to get a picture of a baby with their eyes open in the sunshine. We tried with J at the same age and were not successful. (I also love the Vinyl Cafe!)