Monday, May 07, 2007

No Flat Heads

When I see people these days, they generally ask about three things:
1. How my wife is feeling
2. How much sleep I am getting
3. How much I enjoy changing diapers.

Well, R is slowly feeling better, but she still takes it slow and easy when she's moving around. She's not on any pain killers anymore. As for sleep, I am starting to adjust to the schedule. I take more naps now, so I manage. Diapers really aren't as bad as I thought they would be... at least they aren't right now. Now is the good time -- after the tar and before the stink.

The first few diapers I changed were filled with black, sticky tar. It's this stuff called "Meconium", which builds up in the baby's digestive system before he's born. I'd encountered the name numerous times in my reading, and I thought it was ridiculous that people would go as far as naming the baby's first bowel movement. Now that I have tried to scrape that sticky ooze off our baby's behind, I now agree that it deserves a long name like meconium. But that stuff only lasts for a day or two, and then the mustard starts. The stink comes with solid food, in a few months.

Today's walk was to the Lincoln Fields mall, where I had to fill out some paperwork to take the next 8 weeks off as paternal leave. Not quite as scenic as the Arboretum, but it did have a Walmart. I hate going into Walmart on a busy day, like a Saturday. I still don't like it much on a Monday afternoon. I didn't bother to take any pictures in Walmart.

The pictures on this page were taken during "tummy time". Every day, Scott is supposed to spend some amount of time on his stomach, so that he strenthens his neck muscles and learns to move his head around on his own. That way, he can do his part for "Prevention of Positional Head Flattening" or "Plagiocephaly". At the tender age of 12 days, Scott is already good at a few things:
- flailing his arms
- arching his back
- lifting his head

I'm so proud of my round-headed boy.


Anonymous said...

That top picture elicited an audible "ahhh!" from me when I first saw it. Such amazing cuteness!

Anonymous said...

He is quite good at holding his head up for someone so young.
Your dad was complaining the other day about having to hold up his "50 pound head" while he was on the floor under the bathroom sink working on the plumbing. Those exercises in Scott's youth will pay dividends even when he is much older and has a much larger head.

Anonymous said...

Wow! His head is already up at under 2 weeks? Impressive!

D said...

He pretty much lifted his head up on the first day after delivery. This appears to be his first great talent.

Hopefully, it will not be his last.

Linz said...

That's really awesome! That is a great talent! We didn't know much about the flat-head problem and we let little v sleep facing the same way for a long time not realizing that her head was gradually getting flat on one side! We started using a sleep positioner to fix it and it's cool now, but it's awesome that you already know about it!