Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Fake n' Bake Trees

Recently, when I was making deliveries of ketchup-flavoured Old Dutch chips to a friend of mine, I noticed the "home improvements" someone had been making in the neighbourhood. I thought this particular item was irresistable:

A tiny tree out suntanning in the snow.

This tree was nicely bronzed and healthy-looking while all the other trees were still sporting their pasty-white winter-faces. The snow-fence was another nice touch. I suppose the winds were quite fierce in that area and this fence prevented excessive drifting -- which can be dangerous for local wildlife, etc.

If you're wondering about the snow, the picture is a few weeks old. Don't worry, Ottawa isn't quite that snowy in April.


Linz said...

Dude are those chips good?! We just saw them at the store and kind of made fun of them but I could tell NTG secretly wanted to try them.

D said...

Personally, ketchup chips are not my favourite. I'm more of sour cream & onion fan... that or dill pickle.

You should try ketchup chips at least once in your lifetime.

The Estonian Wonder would probably say you should try bacon-flavoured chips as well.

Anonymous said...

D- I just read your comment on our website about the popcorn trick. I guess I was in denial simply trying to convince myself that maybe, just maybe my belly wasn't quite big enough yet for that trick but you've shattered any illusions I may have had about the size of my belly and knowing that it's not the size of the belly that allows the trick to be pulled off so flawlessly, but special camera tricks to pull off the popcorn belly balancing trick :) PS Thanks for always making me smile.